Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Mia and I have spent half of yesterday and most of today at the veterinarian.  She apears to have trouble breathing and she keeps coughing and gagging and she looks at me which such trust like I'm supposed to make it better.  Poor thing.  So yesterday they thought she had an upper respiratory infection so they gave me an antibiotic and a cough pill to give her.

But today she was worse, so I took her back twice today.  The took x-ays of her  trachea which shod a narrowing of he trachea.  They said there could be a blockage or it could be inflamed but it just didn't show up on the x-rays.

So they gave me steroids for her and they said if the steroids don't show improvement in the next two days she may need to see a doctor who will put a scope down her trachea to see if there is a blockage and, if so, remove it.  The vet thinks that perhaps Mia caught something during her adventures at Camp BowWow which is certainly possble.  And there's no real way around that.  It's like taking kids to preshool.  And since I will be boarding her there while I'm gone for Christmas we'll have to take our chancs.  As the vet said,at least Mia will have antibiotic in her system when she goes in.

So now we are home and she is still struggling to breathe.  I'll be staying close to her tonight.  These past two days have been very expensive days.

I had slight tremors in my left hand today but they were very slight.  The pacemaker feels like it is overworking but I hesitate to have it adjusted because the last time they adjusted it, I was miserable.

I realized today that I haven't received any forwarded mail ever since I put the change of address in about six weeks ago.  So I called the Westcliffe post office and they told me I had to talk to the Brighton post office. I really don't see how I'll get anywhere but I will pursue it.  I just hope I'm not missing any important mail.  Oh well, at least all of the advertising will stop.

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