Thursday, November 9, 2017

My brother

Well, my brother made it through one week of work and then this week he went to work drunk and they fired him.  This made him angry and he feels like he is being singled out and mistreated, etc.

His wife -- who by now is understandably unbelievably frazzled and confused, etc. -- has kept trying to rebuild their relationship but it just hasn't worked.  She still says she is moving out of the house, but I guess that could go either way.  She probably needs to take some time and organize her thoughts about her own future.

We are going to try to get COBRA insurance for him so he at least will have coverage in the coming months for those inevitable times when he passes out and/or falls.  We want to help him but I think we've reached the point where there is not much else we can do.  He refuses rehab.  In spite of my sister stocking his refrigerator with food that he likes (and also providing some Boost), he has pretty much stopped eating and has lost about 30 pounds in the past month or so.

He did agree to see a therapist and that appointment is set for next Friday, but I wouldn't put any bets on him actually letting us take him when the time comes.

I'm still reeling from all of this.  Why didn't we see this coming?  He and his wife visited me for a few days in Denver a year ago and there was absolutely no sign of any drinking.  It is mind boggling.

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