It was a little icy last night but this morning the sun came out and the day is pretty nice.
It seems like two of my babies aren't feeling too well. Okie has been throwing up a lot and Mia has diarrhea and has had it for two days now. I called the vet and she said to give Mia a bland diet and if she hasn't improved by Monday I should bring her in. It seems like these bouts of diarrhea seem to come after being at Camp BowWow. I sure hope there's nothing going on there. Maybe it's just the excitement of being there.
The vet told me that a bland diet for Mia would be boiled chicken, boiled hamburger, scrambled eggs and maybe cottage cheese. So I went out this morning and bought what I needed. But I can tell you this: she is going to love this bland diet and after a day or two of hamburger, chicken and eggs, she definitely will not want to go back to her Blue Buffalo food. But if it makes her better....
Remember the Wii craze from maybe 10 years ago? You could go bowling, play tennis, baseball, dance, etc., and you could play against your friends (or, if you were alone, Wii would provide additional avatar players). The little sensor thingie then showed your movements on the TV. Dancing was particularly fun because you actually would be dancing with the musician -- like Katy Perry or Michael Jackson, etc. and you could TRY to learn their movements. We had bought the whole shebang and after a while we stuck it in a closet. Well, I got it back out again, dusted it off, hooked it up and then went and bought the latest version of Just Dance. I wasn't sure that the most recent version of Just Dance would be compatible with the original Wii, but it worked. So I'm having fun with that.
I also actually got situated in my office/studio and started on a jewelry project. I think I am starting to feel a little motivated again. I talked to one of the girls from my grief group this morning and she was in full throttle, too. Maybe this trip to West Virginia will be a boost, knowing that Marshall can now rest knowing I did all the things he asked (it's funny what our imaginations can come up with).
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