Sunday, May 7, 2017

Dog Training

This morning I dropped Mia off at Camp BowWow for her training session.  She always get super excited when I pull in at the Camp.  She sure loves it there.

After I dropped her off, I treated myself to some "retail therapy."  I always feel better when I'm shopping.  A few hours at Kohl's kind of makes the world go away.

I picked Mia up at 2:30 and, as usual, she was pooped.  That means she will sleep well tonight. Her training is coming along nicely.  But I don't think they'll ever be able to train her to keep from turning into the Tasmanian Devil whenever she so much as smells a rabbit, much less sees one.  I've been trying to find an escape-proof harness for her but so far without success.  I bet I've got about 20 of them now that just won't work for her.

I need to find a place where she can do some serious running.  Maybe an agility class.  I'll do some checking.

I've been hearing a song that I really liked and wanted to identify.  I hear it when I'm at Walmart playing on their speakers in their playlist.  Yesterday it was playing and I asked someone if they knew what it was and they told me it was called Ex's and Oh's by Elle King.  So then I wanted to get it loaded into my iTunes.  Now, I haven't added anything to my iTunes in several years, I've just been listening to the same 93 songs that I have on my iPod.

I thought this was going to be easy.  HA!  I played around with it yesterday for hours and went back to it today and I was getting so frustrated.  Finally I did what I should have done to begin with -- Googled it.  I'm sure I'm the only person in the world who lost track of the changes and advances in iTunes, but nowadays you don't purchase a song, you need to be an iTunes member ($9.99 a month) and you get unlimited access to songs.  Good grief.

So at least I got my song -- which I really like -- and it will only cost me $9.99 a month.  And -- oh yeah -- I learned something.  There's a lot to be said for that.

I also learned that there is something called Amazon Music so, before I figured out the iTunes thing, I downloaded the Amazon app and bought the song for $1.29.  That was cool, but I then couldn't get it into my iTunes Playlist.  So that's where Google came into play.  And that brought the cost for this one tune up to $11.28.  That reminded me of an old commercial:  "Ex's and Oh's -- $11.28; learning experience - Priceless!"

And here's another thing I learned yesterday: when I asked this person at Walmart if they happened to know the name of the song that was playing, she got her iPhone out, pressed a few buttons and almost instantly handed me her phone and on her screen there was all the information I could possibly want about Elle King and her song.  So I now have Shazam on my iPhone.

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