Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's been a nice quiet holiday.  I got all my Christmas gifts wrapped and listened to Christmas music.    I tried to get the holiday music going on Pandora but evidently I am not smart enough to figure out how to use Pandora!  So I resorted to CDs.

There is a small retention pond near my house and for the past few days it has been covered with geese.  You couldn't even see the water for the geese.  Today Mia and I took a walk and while we were out the sky was literally covered with hundreds and hundreds of geese making a LOT of noise.  It was fascinating.  They seemed to be flying in circles for quite a long time and I just stood there watching.

When they finally disappeared, I came in and did a Google search and learned that when it comes time for the geese to fly off to wherever they fly off to they gather by the hundreds -- and maybe thousands -- to create their formations, flying around in circles over and over.  And then when they are all ready, they go.  So I learned something today.  I can't believe I've never seen that before.

I still have tremors but they are very mild and only last for seconds.


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