Sunday, November 13, 2016

Back on Warfarin

I had my dental appointment on Wednesday and it went a lot better than the last time.  Two teeth pulled and a bone graft (yuk), but it went really well.  She said I might bruise, but I didn't.  I have two more upcoming dental appointments.

The tremors never really totally let up but they sure diminished.  I've been exercising the left arm, too, to see if that helps.  Tonight I go back on the Warfarin.  Then on Nov 28 I see the cardiologist again and will get the pacemaker "interrogated."  I will talk to the cardiologist to see if we can cut back on one of my heart medications to see if that has anything to do with the tremors.  It's a little scary to cut back on a heart medication so I'll go along with whatever the doctor says.

This is all kind of scary because if I do actually have Parkinson's, it is my understanding that the sooner I get on Parkinson's medications the better. So I need to stay on top of this. Ugh.

I have taken Mia to her private class and she is improving, but it's slow going.  I adore her but I'm not very good at training.

I guess that's it for now.

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