Thursday, June 1, 2017

My friend Tony

When we lived in Westcliffe, there was a cabin down the road a bit owned by a really nice couple, Tony and Margaret.  They live in Aurora and only go down to their cabin on weekends or holidays.  During the years of Marshall's illness, every time they came down, Tony would come over and help fix things or install things, etc.  When Marshall was close to the end, he asked Tony to look out for me.

So now that I live about 20 minutes from Tony, he calls periodically to see if I need any help with anything.  Today was door day -- my front storm door got caught in a major wind and kind of got a little wacky.  So he fixed it.  And helped with a few other little things.

He came over on his Harley -- I love it.  Maybe the neighbors will think I'm part of a gang...

My pacemaker has been behaving strangely, doesn't seem to be keeping my heart rate in the proper range.  Just walking the dog takes my heart rate up to 105 -- not acceptable.  So I have a call in to my cardiologist and may need to get in to see him.  Ugh.

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